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Underpass Construction Near Kachehri And Fauji foundation Chowk Rwp

Underpass Construction Near Kachehri And Fauji foundation Chowk Rwp

Rawalpindi: According to officials, with the construction of the underground passage, traffic on this route will become easier, and this route is usually busy due to VVIP sports.


Two Megaproject Rwp The authorities said that the project will also be the only double-deck underground passage in Rawalpindi. This underground passage will be completed in six months. The underpass will be equipped with computerized LED lights and green areas on both sides. . Approximately 25,000 ecological trees will be planted throughout the underground passage. RDA is planning to construct an unmarked underground passage near the Kachehri chowk area and an underground passage near the Fuji Foundation chowk. Funds were also allocated for this large-scale project and included in the 2021-22 development plan.

After the completion of this large-scale project, the Defense Chowk underground passage will lay the foundation. Its feasibility is ready, the cost is 18.5 million rupees, and the PC-1 is in the final stage and is about to be approved. This busy everyday Chowk. The cornerstone of this large-scale project will be laid at the beginning of the new year in January 2022 and will be completed within one and a half years. According to RDA, both projects will be completely visa-free and environmentally friendly. The Kacheri Chowk underground passage will be constructed using the latest technology. The overall impact of these two large-scale projects will largely depend on land use planning and good governance. Identifying and solving the transport challenges of developing countries like Pakistan remains the top priority of urban management. Despite a large amount of money invested in the urban transportation system, the current traffic situation in Pakistan is still severe due to a lack of planning, governance, and widespread corruption.

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In addition, pedestrians constitute the category with the largest number of traffic accident victims. Efforts to deal with pedestrian safety are often still focused on restricting their movements. Another big challenge is parking spaces in shopping malls. People are forced to park their cars on main roads and streets, obstructing the traffic of other commuters. This has also led to many problems of encroachment on public land. With more than 100,000 cars passing through these two intersections every day, traffic conditions will deteriorate over time. The authorities expect these projects to begin in January 2022 and plan to complete the two projects within one and a half years. Conclusion With rapid urbanization, increased economic activity, and unplanned land development, urban transportation is facing increasing challenges. Rawalpindi also experiences a lot of rain every year. Therefore, it is necessary for developers to ensure reliable water extraction and management mechanisms. If all these necessary steps are taken, the project will certainly become a welcome addition to the already tight traffic conditions in the city. Public transportation overcrowding, pedestrian difficulties, parking difficulties, environmental impact and air pollution are other key traffic-related challenges. The Rawalpindi Development Agency (RDA) has planned two major projects to improve the city’s transportation network. These projects are a welcome step in alleviating traffic congestion and improving traffic flow. Funds were also allocated for the project based on the 2021-22 fiscal year budget, which is estimated at 18.5 billion U.S. dollars.



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