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Most Popular Bed Designs for Kids Room Boy and Girls

Most Popular Bed Designs for Kids Room Boy and Girls

The environment which you provide to your kid actually nurtures their personality as well as their mental and physical ability. The pink color for baby girls and blue color for baby boys in the decoration of their room matter altos. Moreover, the feminist idea of gender being socially constructed draws heavily upon the nurturing of a child. They argue that the room and the bed designs for kids are decorated with dolls, kitchen tools toys, and other home appliances.

 This decoration of the room imprints an indelible print in the mind of a child girl. There is a growing consensus among sociologists that the environment provided to a child in his early childhood shapes his personality, in the words of William Words Worth, “A child is the father of man". These dolls and homemaking appliances nurture the baby girl to be obedient, caring, and compromising. Conversely, the toys set in the room of a boy child shape his personality to be competitive, aggressive, and uncompromising. Psychologist agrees that the later personality of a person is just an extension of the personality that was shaped in the formative phase of childhood. So, the choice of colors, toys, and themes deeply impact the mind of a child and help shape his personality.

We have collected many kids' bed design ideas that would be helpful for you if you want to give a pleasant look to the sleeping place of your kids.

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Bed Idea for Kids Boys and Girls

Bed with Storage and Workplace

Bed with attached table chair gives a fine look. This style of bed can make your child punctual about the timing of Sleeping and studying. The childs are very crazy about drawing or painting. The idea with the workplace is very common today. So the latest styles make sure to attach the workplaces with beds. These designs provide all the necessary things in one stop for toddlers.

Bed with a Portion of Library Shelf

If you want to nurture the personality of your kid do not provide them only a bed for sleeping but also an environment that helps your child to be attached with the book-reading habit. A bed with a portion of the library shelf could do this favor for you. Bed for kids boys mostly consist of study shelf where they arrange their books easily. The habit of heading can be developed easily through this style.

Bed and a Cupboard for Clothes

Most of the people do not possess any manners to hang their clothes in cupboards after returning from the office or school. It is because of the lack of practice to do so. It is a very best idea to design a bed with a cupboard for your kid to teach them manners, discipline, and punctuality. It can save time and is very convenient to ready for school.  

Metal Trundle Bed

This type of bed provides extra space to the friend of your kid. An extra mattress can be dragged out, which is stored under the main bed, in a time of need. This type of bed makes your child sociable by providing space to his friends, even inside his/her bedroom. Vertically Double bed design for kids is very popular nowadays in school hostels and houses.

Tent Kids Bed with Slide

It is one of the best designs of a kid’s bed which has a slide attached to give an opportunity to enjoy a fun time. A house made up of a tent is present underneath the bed where your child can enjoy a good time with siblings and friends.

Pink Tent Bed Design for Girls

You can make your baby girl happy by arranging for her a pink shaded bed with an underneath pink tent house. Because pink color is the favorite color of girls. This color cannot be ignored to design a room of girls. At the school level and at home, this color can attract girls. The pink and red beds can be designed in girls' rooms.

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A House Shaped Bed

One of the most interesting for kids is a house shaped beds. A well-decorated and well-painted pine wood with a strong steel border give a little house-type look for kids to sleep in it. It contains two beds, which means it is the best bed to entertain your twins.

Princes Castle Bed with Slide

Girls are the princess of their parents. If you want to fulfill the dream of your little prince, gift her a castle shape bed of pink color. This bed is specially designed for little princes with an additional slide for fun, a sleeping area, a Rapunzel-esque tower, and a play tent. It is totally made up of polyester and steel fabric which gives the look of an in-house fairy tale. This bed design for baby girl contains many drawers attaced to it. Including sleeping, it can be used to store toys, accessories, nappies, clothes, etc. Loft Bed with Straight for Kids This design of bed contains many drawers attached to it. Including sleeping, it can be used to store toys, accessories, nappies, and clothes etc.

New Minimalist Kids Bunk Bed

A variety of decoration pieces attracts the attention of your baby. It is another best idea to decorate the attached cupboard with your kid's maintenance or your own painting. If you do so, means you are enhancing their artistic quality. It is a unique design that can give a magnificent look to your interior. Furthermore, it is the latest fashion bed with a simple style. This bed can be changed from one place to another inside the room. It is designed as a double-story bed. You can sleep with your children on one of the mattresses in his / her room if he gets (her) fear.


Space Shuttle Sofa Bed

The bed is in the shape of a special shuttle. It is undeniable that if someone is providing such creative and attractive things for the kid's use, preparing future intellectuals. It is a great bag that can be used as a bed as well as a sofa. Most children demand this type of bed because it is easy to use type of design. Some kids cannot sleep without privacy. This bed is covered with a tent from all sides and a kid can sleep without any disturbance.

In summary, childhood is the template that shapes the personality of a child for the rest of their life. Therefore, the states carefully design the curriculum for children to indoctrinate the ideology they want to pass on to the next generation. Religious and cultural ideas are also infused in this early stage of life. As Words Worth has aptly regarded the child as the father of the man. The decoration of the room and bed has a significant impact in the formation of the psychology of a child. Indeed, nurturing is second nature.

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