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How to Check and Pay Online E- Challan in Islamabad

How to Check and Pay Online E- Challan in Islamabad

The Islamabad Capital Territory Police (ICTP) has been extremely active presently in regard to challan different traffic rule violators. The inhabitants of the twin cities have begun to question the payment method due to the abrupt increase in fines and tight enforcement of the laws. The "Smart City Project" was launched in Islamabad's capital city in 2010 to better manage the city's transportation system and increase video monitoring. This significant infrastructure improvement in Islamabad includes a vehicle management system, an automatic number plate recognition system, and intelligent video surveillance. The launch of the e-challan system in Islamabad, which will improve the police's ability to monitor and regulate traffic rules, is the most recent enhancement to the features of the Smart City Project.

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The recently launched e-challan system will be able to produce tickets against cars that violated traffic laws using the elements of the Smart City Project. In order to monitor traffic, Safe City Cameras have been put all across the city, even on highways. On roads alone, speed limit infractions total between 15,000 and 20,000 per year. Traffic infractions will be recorded by CCTV cameras placed at various locations on the roadways, and an e-challan will be sent to the home address of the car owner.


It is essential to follow the law in order to be a responsible citizen. If you act negligently, you could be charged with a crime or at the very least get a penalty. Even minor traffic infractions, which may appear little to others, can result in serious accidents and jeopardize both your own and other people's safety. The cameras will record violations, which will notify the excise and taxes agency and the traffic police department in Islamabad. A challan will then be produced with the registration number of the offending car. The following breaches will initially be the subject of e-challans to ensure safe and organized traffic around the city.

Following are the possible traffic violations on which the person can receive a ticket from ICT Administration.

  •         Over speeding
  •         Travelling without lights
  •         Rash driving
  •         Line and lane change
  •         Not wearing a seatbelt
  •         Signal jumping 
  •         Not wearing a helmet if on a bike


It's highly important to pay the challan within 10 days of getting it if you receive an e-ticket. Your vehicle will be seized if you don't comply with this. The traffic police agency has provided offline and online options for paying the challans. Your challans can be paid through JS Bank, Jazz Cash, or mobile accounts. By clicking the link, you may also discover the closest Digital Challan Payment location.


It is past due for traffic challans to be digitalized in this age of digitizing everything and every institution. As a result, controlling traffic will be simpler, and the margin of error will be reduced. The following is a summary of some advantages of using e-challans including improved transparency and efficiency in traffic management and 24 hours working of the E-challan system in the capital city.

  • Thank goodness, the payment mechanism is really practical. The ICTP also lists different methods for paying the fine on the e-ticket. You can pay the challan using one of the following methods: J-Cash Wallets, Franchises, and Agents
  • JS Bank accounts; J-Mobile agents or franchises; Mobilink Microfinance Bank or JazzCash; National Bank branches
  • Out of them, paying the ICTP challan using JazzCash is the easiest. This is how it goes:
  • The first step is to download the software from the Apple Software Store or Google Play and register a JazzCash account using your mobile number.
  • Step 2 is to add funds to your JazzCash account. If you don't have the money, you can't pay the fine!
  • Third Step: Locate the "Traffic Challan" option on the main menu by scrolling down.
  • Step Four: Select the aforementioned option and enter the challan number or PSID (Payment Slip ID) that is located in the top-left corner of the ticket.
  • Fifth Step: The app will automatically provide you with the information and an option to make an instant payment. To pay the challan, press "Enter".

You can monitor the status of your challan's payment on the ICTP website after paying the fine. The status of the challan will be "Paid" if the transaction is successful. The ICTP has increased the pressure on drivers who engage in infractions like speeding, reckless driving, running red lights, improper parking, driving the wrong way, and other similar transgressions. 


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